Birthdays and special occasions are one of the best parts of childhood for both kids and parents alike.
Opportunities to create lasting memories happen once a year, and we look forward to making your party outstanding.
This is a responsibility we do not take lightly

Maximum Animal Interaction Guaranteed
All of our animals can be pet throughout your program. Closely supervised assisted handling opportunities drive the excitement, especially for your animal loving guest of honor. Adults are encouraged to participate as well.
Signature Party Package
One Hour of Enterainment
Presented to your audience by a state licensed wildlife exhibitor and enthusiastic entertainer. Indoors or outside, at home or venue.
Featuring 10-12 Animals
A diverse lineup including reptiles, birds, mammals, and bugs!
Snakes, Lizards and tortoises, from small to humongous! A baby reptile or two help warm up the audience, and they get bigger as the show goes on, leading up to one of our large boa constrictors or pythons, and a giant tortoise too!
Our Rabbits, chinchillas, ducks, hedgehogs, Roosters, and doves add that soft animal charm to the show!
One of our "bugs" round out your critter cast. It isn't a party until a tarantula shows up!
What to Expect
Your show begins with a friendly introduction and salute to the guest of honor, along with a quick story of how the animals are accustomed to being around new humans, and are mild mannered and very safe.
Instructions on how we will be interacting with the animals and some simple instructions come next and are delivered in a way to hype the audience. At this time, wildlife wrangler will also assure the audience that they will respect everyone's space if they do not wish a certain animal comes too close.
Each of the animals remains in its travel carrier until its turn, during which that animal is carried around the audience to allow participants to pet the animal while descriptions are given and questions are both asked and answered. Children love to show off their knowledge, and ask questions based on interests as well. The entertainer will guide children to repeat after me, shout answers, and get everyone excited to participate.
After an animal makes its rounds, the guest of honor is invited to participate in supervised and guided handling, based on their age, ability, and the particular animal. For each animal, additional audience members are invited to follow the birthday child, so that throughout the program, everyone in the audience has several opportunities to maximize interaction!
It is important to us that parents have every opportunity possible to snap amazing photos and capture videos as the show goes on, and many of the handling procedures are done in a way to enable you to do so!
Program Pricing:
60 minute - 12 Animals - $400 for events within a 10 mile radius in New Jersey from our Hazlet NJ Location.
Travel Fees are added for events over 10 miles away. Calculated @ $1.50/mile one way plus tolls plus extended time.
(His school hosts our programs)
Check out this Birthday Boy's reaction
to a surprise visit from Us!
Who says that on the weekend ?
"I LOVE going to work"

Passionate - Patient - Professional - Proven